Trattamento di paure e fobie utilizzando il gioco interattivo, l’umorismo e la de-aggregazione combinata con Incorporazione graduale del temuto Karen Levine, Ph.D. e Naomi Chedd,……
Tratamiento de miedos y fobias utilizando el juego interactivo, el humor y la desagregación combinados con Incorporación gradual de lo temido Karen Levine, Ph.D. y……
Evidence Base for the DIRFloortime® Approach Diane Cullinane, M.D. March 2024 Introduction “D” Developmental “I” Individual Difference “R” Relationship and Affect Recent Reviews Future……
Treating fears and phobias using interactive play, humor, and unbundling combined with Gradual Incorporation of the feared thing Karen Levine, Ph.D. and Naomi Chedd, LMHC……
Dual Coded: How the meaning we make through the sensory-motor-affective cueing system influences our social and emotional development “The human capacities for love and……
Doppio codice: Come il significato che creiamo attraverso il sistema sensoriale motorio – affettivo influenza il nostro sviluppo sociale ed emotivo. “Le capacità umane……
“A Kid’s guide to climate change“ was published by Updated July 14, 2023, · 10:16 AM ET By Lauren Sommer and Malaka Gharib……
Mamma, papà, cos’è la scuola? Sima Gerber, Ph.D., CCC è Professoressa presso il Dipartimento di Linguistica e Disturbi della Comunicazione al Queens College, CUNY Il……
Mommy, Daddy, What’s School? Sima Gerber, Ph.D., CCC is a Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Communication Disorders Queens College, CUNY Dr. Gerber is……
Offering Tele-Health during COVID-19 meeting of 2 April 2020 At a difficult time like today we find ourselves supporting families in new ways. ……