Originally published by Todd Wanerman at http://www.toddwanerman.com/ When I consult with schools about inclusion, I’m a voice for change. And teachers generally feel uncomfortable about……
Originally published by Todd Wanerman at http://www.toddwanerman.com/ Recently, I wrapped up a two-part training program with the Early Head Start teachers in Salida, in the central……
Originally published by Todd Wanerman at http://www.toddwanerman.com/ Who is project-based education for? Is it only the product and province of an educated, entitled……
Originally published by Todd Wanerman at http://www.toddwanerman.com/ During twenty-five years of teaching preschool at The Little School, I had the privilege, along with my colleagues,……
“D” Developmental A developmental approach is founded on work by major developmental theorists such as Piaget, Vygotsky, Erikson, and Kohlberg. A developmental approach considers behavior……
“I” Individual Difference In the 1970s Jean Ayres pioneered discoveries about innate sensory processing differences. This provided a new way of understanding movement and regulatory……
“R” Relationship and Affect Developmental models have evolved from many years of discovery in the field of infant mental health. Beginning in the 1950s, there……
Recent Reviews Several recent reviews provide consensus regarding the research support for developmental interventions, including DIRFloortime. 1. In 2019, a systemic review was conducted on……
Future Research There is a need for continued research to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. Current needs include studies that are long term, evaluate children……
Claims & Questions Sweeping claims have been made about the effectiveness of behavioral approaches, specifically ABA. However, there continues to be reservations about the strength……