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Future Research

Future Research

There is a need for continued research to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. Current needs include studies that are long term, evaluate children based on individual profiles in addition to diagnosis, older children, and children at higher levels of function.  Studies would benefit from further description of treatment strategies, and differences in parent styles as well as children’s abilities.

Future research will also be informed by genetics, new technologies to track complex patterns of interaction, and direct measurements of brain function. Autism is now understood to involve differences in the integration of various distinct brain functions. Developmental intervention is based upon the use of affective interactions to enhance the integration of sensory-regulatory, communication, and motor systems.  Neuro-imaging techniques may be used to show how intervention changes brain function.

Undoubtedly, researchers will continue to refine our understanding of developmental differences, and how to best support child development to achieve the optimal long-term outcome.


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