Mamma, papà, cos’è la scuola? Sima Gerber, Ph.D., CCC è Professoressa presso il Dipartimento di Linguistica e Disturbi della Comunicazione al Queens College, CUNY Il……
Mommy, Daddy, What’s School? Sima Gerber, Ph.D., CCC is a Professor in the Department of Linguistics and Communication Disorders Queens College, CUNY Dr. Gerber is……
What you can do to help your child if he is at Stage 1 of communication and language development. One way we can help your……
How do children learn to understand and use language? “In order to develop normally, a child requires progressively more complex joint activity with one……
Introduction: One of the most challenging realities for children on the autism spectrum and their parents is the difficulty the children face with the development……